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Halloweentown, formerly known as Camelot, is a town of humanoid creatures from the Nexus Universe. It was a small village formally under a monarchy but last was seen as a democracy, replacing their king or queen for a mayor. Discord and the Longma attacked Halloweentown in order to wipe out the humanoid creatures living there. It was destroyed along side the rest of universe during the Big Crunch.

Halloweentown is based on the realm of the realm of the same name from the Disney Channel Original Movie Halloweentown as well as Camelot from Arthurian legend

This article is about the destroyed city of witches in the Nexus Universe. You may be looking for a different Camelot


Camelot was an old gothic village set at a constant mid-late autumn with pumpkins naturally growing across the lands and the skies almost always a golden blue sunset. It is broken up into several smaller portions that parallel its Stellar Universe counterparts such as the Town Square and Cera Crater. At the heart of the realm lies a large jack-o'-lantern which channels magic across the realm and acts as a symbol of its health.


Before Camelot


Camelot started off as a large, unnamed, collection of disconnected farms and houses across the lands of Discordia where modern day Misthaven resides. While disconnected at first, the civilization would start to grow and unify into one large city where humanoid creatures live.

King Uther

As Creature Kind advanced, a ruler became needed. Uther Pendragon stepped up to be the king to which not one argued. Pendragon ruled over the unnamed lands for centuries and eventually had a child with the powerful Morgan le Fay they named Arthur.

Wanting Arthur to take his place as king but be a better king than him, Pendragon and Morgan left Author in the care of Morgan's father Merlin in the hopes of mentoring him to become the perfect powerful king Uther believed he was not.

Pulling Excalibur from the Anvil

Years pass and Merlin believed Arthur Pendragon ready to test his might as king. Merlin forges a great sword forged from the strongest metals in Discordia and enchanted it to be a king's weapon. He then plunges the sword, he named Excalibur, into an old isolated anvil, enchanting it further so that only the true king can remove it.

Merlin brings Pendragon to the sword and encourages him to remove it from the anvil. Upon doing so, Pendragon is instantly succumbed to Magic Madness as the power of the sword bled into him. Merlin urged Arthur to place down the sword but to no avail. King Arthur teleports away with it to start his new kingdom.

Duel for Camelot

Arthur approaches his father Uther and instantly recognizes his inferiority, drawing his sword on him. Arthur cursed Excalibur to be debilitating to physical magic users. A small battle ensued, quickly ending with a single slice on Uther from Excalibur, draining his magic and killing him in seconds. Arthur Pendragon takes his place as king, naming the kingdom Camelot, which he would rule with an iron fist.

Attack on Merlin and Morgan le Fay

Wanting to calm Arthur down, his mother Morgan le Fay and mentor Merlin approaches him. They calmly ask Arthur to let go of the sword and rethink his rule as king. Pendragon refuses instead attacking them both with Excalibur. Merlin is hit with the sword, forcing both of them to retreat, leaving him behind to grow Camelot.

King Arthur

The Mad King

With the threat of Excalibur, King Arthur, who was given the epithet 'Arthur the Terrible' enslaved the citizens of Camelot, forcing them to reshape the realm in his image. The farms and pastures were replaced with large buildings and castles and magic was outlawed. His largest contribution was tying the lifeforce Camelot to a central monument, the Great Jack-o'-Lantern. If destroyed or tampered with, the realm would suffer.

Knights of the Round Table

Arthur the Terrible formed a sacred group of sorcerers, the only ones allowed to use magic. These Knights of the Round Table were seen in high regard by Pendragon. They were his equals, tasked with overseeing and spreading his influence across Camelot and the realms beyond.

At some point, Lancelot travels to Discordia from Earth to confront King Arthur. Upon his arrival, Lancelot is found by the Knights of the Round Table who attempt to arrest him for his unlawful use of magic. A battle breaks out between them, which Lancelot is able to stay on top of, alerting the attention of King Arthur who stops the brawl. King Arthur, instead of punishing Lancelot, sees the great power within him and grants him the title of Siege Perilous, the leader of the Knights of the Round Table.

Dark Ages

Duel for Excalibur

The Collector, a powerful sorceress, travels back in time to the Nexus Universe and hides in the shadows of Camelot until she finds Sir Lancelot. Knowing she can use him to get close to Excalibur, rips out his Creation Spark, the source code of fictional characters and uses it to order him to steal the sword.

Sir Lancelot storms into the palace and attacks King Arthur, going against his vow as a Knight of the Round Table. King Arthur fights back expertly, staying ahead of and fatally wounding Lancelot. However, before he can perform the final blow, his body disappears, the Collector calls his Sprite away to take matters into her own hands.

Theft of Excalibur

King Arthur stands confused at what just happened until he realizes something happening behind him. Turning around he sees the Collector sitting in his throne. Almost immediately, King Arthur attacked the Collector who punches him back and out of the palace doors and into the courtyard where their fight continues.

Over the course of the battle, Pendragon realizes that the Collector is toying with him. The moment he points this out, she breaks the illusion and forcibly steals Excalibur and stabbing him with it. She sassily wishes him good luck before teleporting back to the future and leaving him there to die.

Return of the Magical Community

Because of the fearsome and deadly nature of the Humans in the overworld, especially the Knights of the Iron Dagger, the Magical Community had no choice but to abandon the Earth and return to Discordia. Merlin restores his Talisman and uses it to reignite the portal linking the two realms. As a price for his use of magic, time becomes desynced between the two realms, only syncing on Halloween when the portal can naturally open.

Battle of Camelot

Merlin returns, this time accompanied by the Cromwell Clan and the rest of the Magical Community who were freed while Lancelot and Pendragon were distracted. The Magical Community fought against the Knights of the Round Table, slowly picking them off until only Pendragon remained. Merlin took on Pendragon one on one, keeping him at bay by using the light magic within his Talisman. As each of the knights fell, the light from the Talisman grew, eventually growing so bright it doused the Darkness within King Arthur, weakening him enough to finally die.

The Cromwells take control of Camelot, now knows as Halloweentown, and used the Talisman to shape the realm to its former glory. The Light Magic completely dispelling Arthur's Dark by resting inside the Great Jack-o'-Lantern. Merlin's daughter Splendora becomes the Queen.

The Halloweentown Era

Living in Isolation

To Be Added

Merging the Realms

To Be Added


Attack on Halloweentown

In Earth year 3012, Merlin, who now rules over Halloweentown senses a strange and unfamiliar magic in the air. Moments later, an army of magically mutated Longma bursts form the ground like geysers, destroying everything they touch including the Great Jack-o'-Lantern which weakened the integrity of the realm. Led by Discord, the Longma were able to claim the lives of hundreds of Camelites, forcing Merlin to initiate his plan. Seeing him run off, Discord orders a group of Longma to follow him, with his twin sister, Eris, leading them.

Big Crunch

Merlin makes it to his lair and begins working away at a machine be built designed to turn back time. Before he can set it properly, the Longma reach him and attacks him, dragging his body away and ripping him apart. At the same time, the Titan Kronos overthrows his father, Ouranos, as King of the Cosmos by castrating him, sending a shockwave across the Multiverse. When the shockwave hit the Nexis Universe, It overloaded the machine. It to ruptured the stability of the Universe and collapses it back into Cosmic Singularity, destroying Halloweentown in the process.

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