The Creature World Wiki
The Creature World Wiki

The Nexus Universe was one of the first Universes in the Multiverse and the predecessor of the Stellar Universe. It was a small and relatively mundane Universe possessing only two known dimensions running parallel to each other. It was destroyed by the shockwave of Ouranos' Castration.


The Nexus Universe is small compared to its successor, the Stellar Universe. The lack of magic within this Universe stifled the development of Dimensions, Realms, and, like most other Universes, a Universal Shell. Only two dimensions were known to exist in the Nexus Universe equivalent to the Elemental and Magic Dimensions today. The two dimensions take the place of the Ether and Nether of the Stellar Universe, not having those realms on its own, which acts as the Overworld and Underworld for the Nexus Universe. They are connected through a series of disconnected artificial Wormholes that have to be controlled by the magical inhabitance of the Universe.


Big Bang

The Nexus Universe, like all others started as a relatively small Cosmic Singularity in the Void. One of the first Singularities in existence to be found and transformed by Yahweh. Taken and infused with his infinite Celestial Magic, Yahweh was able to forge a Singularity into a large explosion leaving physics abiding space in its wake. This was at the detriment of his sister, Khaos, whos body was torn and ripped from her trapped in the explosion of the Big Bang.


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Big Crunch

As a last resort against the Longma's Attack on Halloweentown, the prophet Merlin escapes the battle and activates a machine designed to rewrite reality. While programing the device, wanting to rewind time to before the Longma attack, the Longma break into his lair, messing up the input. The shockwave of the Protogenoi Ouranos being castrated by his son Kronos echoes through the Multiverse. When it hit the Nexus Universe, it activated the machine with the wrong settings, and collapsed the Universe back into an artificial Cosmic Singularity.

Known Dimensions

Earthly Plane

Main Article: Elemental Dimension

The Earthly Plane, also known as the Overworld or the Mortal World, is the Nexus Universe equivalent of the Elemental Dimension. It was the realm of the mortals running at a decelerated time to its sister realm where a year in the Earthly Plane is equivalent to a thousand years in the amortal world.

Creature Dimension

Main Article: Magic Dimension

The Creature Dimension is the Nexus Universe equivalent to the Magic Dimension housing the realm of the same name, Halloweentown. Most of the Universe's magic has collected into this dimension strong enough to forge a Cera Comet, saturating the planet Discordia with magic.
